Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Fever~

On Saturday it was a really nice day so we let Izybel go outside for awhile and play. She has been dying to go outside and see what it's all about but it's just been too cold. She never really has gotten to go outside since she could walk because of the weather. She loved it out there. The first thing she did was run out to the road and just run up and down it. She was amazed with everything out there and couldn't get enough of it. I told Cody that I'm pretty sure we'll be outside with Izybel all summer long. I turned my back on Izybel for two seconds and she ran right into a mud puddle and got stuck in it. So her day outside was over after that. Every day now she tries to escape out the door to get outside but it's just been too cold again to take her out.-

Izybel is a big girl now!- I finally took her off of her "ba ba" It's been a hard few days with her off of it, and she still cries for it but she's getting a little too old to be carrying her bottle around with her. Everytime I give it to her she throws it at me and has a lil' tantrum...but then eventually she will give in and drink her sippy. Hopefully this doesn't go on for too many more days or I just might go crazy.

Happy St. Patricks Day!-


Hillary said...

All of Izybel's clothes are SO cute! And of course I love the curls :)

Hailey said...

WOW.. the mud puddle... it was bad!! I can't wait for Summer so Nash & Izy can swim together! They will love playing outside together this summer!

olsen said...

Haha you weren't kidding about the mud puddle! that is so funny! Something Braylee would do for sure!!

Fullmer said...

oh man i love it!! She is such a doll!!!

Fullmer said...

Haha- Ya I am not really good at hair the stuff I do anyone can do! I need to learn how to french braid for sure!
I love izybels yellow shoes! TOO cute!! hahaha
Oh yes I wouldnt crop a boxers ears! Danes ears I think need to be cropped they look funny when not. haha she is so fun and SO big it is great!! hahaha